Corporate PhilosophyAbout Us

Group Corporate Philosophy


We contribute to building an abundant future society by innovation and developing talented and responsible people, through pursuing the unlimited potential of engineering plastics.


The No.1 solution provider for engineering plastics.

We will continue to provide the best solutions for engineering plastics to our customers in technology, quality, services, supply, and all other aspects.


1)The “Polyplastics Way”: We create value together with our customers.

  • We always stand closest to our customers.
  • We understand customers’ needs by knowing our customers from the inside out.
  • We continue to provide higher-than-expected value based on the best technology and services.
  • Following the above, we build strong relationships of trust with our customers and grow and develop together with them.
  • We call these activities the “Polyplastics Way,” which is our most important basic value.

2)The “Polyplastics Family”: The best teamwork

  • We consider each other important. We respect individuality and diversity.
  • We emphasize teamwork based on mutual trust and cooperation among all employees.
  • At the same time, as a team, we embrace the challenge of seeking to constantly evolve.
  • We call this team the “Polyplastics Family,” which is our most important basic value.

Daicel Group Code of Conduct
/ Ethical Standards of Daicel Group

Daicel Group has implemented a Sustainable Management Policy that is deeply rooted in one of our founding principles of co-creating value to achieve a better quality of life for all. Our objective is to contribute to the sustainable development of society. As part of the policy implementation, all Daicel group employees, including executives, have committed to follow the “Daicel Group Code of Conduct,” a set of guidelines highlighting acceptable and expected ethical behavior.
In order to survive in an increasingly diverse global society, we establish group ethical norms that universally apply to all areas of corporate activity.
By committing to these policies and applying them in our daily business practices, our employees consistently conduct business with strong morals, integrity, and the highest standards of ethics. These efforts demonstrate Daicel’s good corporate citizenship and integrity.

Daicel Group Code of Conduct

  1. We conduct ourselves with strong moral and ethical standards.
  2. We treat others with dignity and respect.
  3. Though we have independent thoughts and actions, we collaborate to achieve optimal result as necessary.
  4. We create a “future of promise” for all by embracing new perspectives, adopting a mindset of change, and embracing the spirit of challenge.
  5. We proactively engage with individuals beyond our organization, fostering new benefits by promoting open partnerships with diverse companies and entities.
  6. We recognize that safety, quality, and compliance are the pillars of the manufacturing industry. Therefore, we prioritize them in our daily operations, continually striving to meet the expectations and earn the trust of our customers and society.

Ethical Standards of Daicel Group

The following Code of Conduct applies to all employees of Daicel Group companies, including our supply chains.

  1. Fair and transparent business activities
    1. Compliance with laws (legal rules, regulations, ordinances, etc.), company policies and procedures.
      We are committed to domestic and international legal and regulatory compliance, as well as company policies and procedures.
    2. Fair business practices
      We practice fair business and competition. We do not participate in unfair or anti-competitive business practices, including collusion, cartels, and bid rigging.
    3. Compliance with contract terms and customer requirements
      We prioritize compliance with customers/suppliers terms and conditions set forth in an executed contract. If a new term or condition arises that is not explicitly defined in the contract, we will clearly communicate the new term to all contracting parties once it has been mutually agreed upon.
    4. Fair accounting
      We conduct fair accounting and tax practices based on accurate records.
    5. Responsible procurement
      We strictly prohibit inappropriate transactions, including the abuse of a dominant bargaining position, in our commitment to upholding fair business practices. We exercise thorough due diligence in supplier selection to ensure that only those who align with our social and ethical standards, such as environmental conservation and human rights protection, become part of our supply chain.
    6. Information management
      We commit to the safeguarding of our company’s and third parties’ confidential information, including personal data, by maintaining an effective information security system. We adhere to privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements when personal information is collected, stored, processed, transmitted, and shared.
    7. Ban on insider trading
      Insider trading is prohibited, and we handle crucial undisclosed information in the utmost responsible and appropriate manner.
    8. Protection of intellectual property
      We carefully safeguard the Group’s intellectual property rights and prohibit any actions that would infringe upon the rights of others.
    9. Disclosure of information
      We disclose accurate corporate information, taking into consideration the interests of various stakeholders, including shareholders, in a timely, appropriate, and fair manner. In addition, we conduct suitable dialogues according to the needs of each stakeholder.
    10. Partnership with nonprofit and non-government organizations (NPOs/NGOs)
      Our corporate-nonprofit partnerships have generated positive impacts on various social and environmental issues. We remain dedicated to seeking contribution opportunities to organizations that are committed to addressing pressing challenges faced by our communities today. We collaborate with NPOs and NGOs that offer innovative and comprehensive solutions to these issues, with the aim of making a meaningful and sustainable difference in society.
    11. Proper relationships with politics
      We maintain a suitable and transparent relationship with politics, based on legal regulations.
    12. Prohibition of corruption and engagement with antisocial forces
      We have no affiliation with any criminal syndicates or organized crime groups. Corrupt practices such as bribery, embezzlement, and money laundering are strictly prohibited.
    13. Sensible course of action
      We clearly distinguish between public and private matters and do not misuse company assets or expenses for personal purposes.
      Giving or receiving gifts or favors that exceed commonly accepted social norms is not allowed.
    14. Transparent and healthy work environment
      We operate in an open work environment that is transparent and discourages secrecy, where common daily activities include communication and collaboration, consultation, and timely reporting of any potential issues.
      Our principle of “Bad News First” also promotes transparency and discourages employees from committing fraud or participating in cover-ups.
    15. Whistleblower protection and non-retaliation
      We established internal and external channels for whistleblowers to securely report any violations of laws or the Code of Conduct. These channels are equipped to maintain the confidentiality, anonymity, and protection of whistleblowers, unless prohibited by law.
      Any form of sanctions or retaliation against whistleblowers is strictly forbidden.
  2. Respect for all individuals and maintaining a healthy and positive work environment.
    1. Respect for human rights
      We believe all humans, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status, are entitled to all human rights outlined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and we are committed to treat all workers with dignity and respect
    2. Respect for diversity and prohibition of discrimination and harassment
      We are committed to providing a work environment that is free of harassment and unlawful discrimination, such as race, ethnicity or national origin, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, pregnancy, and religion. This commitment extends to all aspects of employment, including hiring, wages, promotions, and access to training opportunities.
    3. Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
      We prohibit employment of any forced labor or child labor.
    4. Freedom of association and collective bargaining rights
      We respect the right of all workers to form and join trade unions of their own choosing, to bargain collectively, and to engage in peaceful assembly, in conformance with local law.
    5. Occupational safety and health management
      We continuously identify, assess, and mitigate employees’ potential exposure to health and safety hazards. Workers are to be provided with appropriate, well-maintained, personal protective equipment where necessary, as well as ongoing occupational health and safety training. We also strive to develop and improve the mental and physical well-being of all Daicel Group employees.
    6. Human resources development initiatives
      We believe that people are the driving force behind all business activities. Thus, our human resources development initiatives are aimed to enhance employee skills, knowledge, capabilities and promote professional growth in alignment with Daicel’s values and goals.
    7. Work-life balance
      We recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy equilibrium between work responsibilities, personal well-being, and privacy of individuals. We encourage employees to set and maintain appropriate boundaries between work and personal life, which include respecting non-working hours and setting adequate time for rest, relaxation, and personal commitments.
  3. Sustainability, environmental conservation, and social responsibility
    1. Product functionality, quality, and excellence
      We manufacture and deliver high quality products that are functional and align with customer expectations. We consistently review and improve our production methods to meet quality standards with ongoing goals to exceed customer expectations and improve customer satisfaction.
    2. Environmentally friendly and socially conscious production processes
      We continuously identify the environmental impacts and strive to minimize adverse effects on the community, environment, and natural resources within our manufacturing operations, while safeguarding the health and safety of the public. We’ve developed technologies to drive innovation in new production processes that minimize environmental impact and reduce energy consumption. Furthermore, we actively contribute to the establishment of a circular economy, promoting the efficient use of resources and minimizing waste.
    3. Safe handling of chemicals
      We comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards for the safe handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of chemicals. This ensures that employees are aware of and adhere to legal requirements to minimize risks to human health and the environment, including leakage.
    4. Emergency preparedness and disaster prevention
      As a chemical plant, we place great emphasis on establishing and maintaining a robust safety and disaster prevention system to prepare for natural disasters, such as earthquakes and typhoons. We continuously improve this prevention system through education and training programs, including emergency drills. By equipping our workforce with the necessary knowledge and skills, we strive to always operate safely and minimize harm to life, the environment, and property in an emergency or event of natural disasters.
    5. Contribution to local communities
      Engaging with local communities is essential to being responsible corporate citizens. Daicel builds relationships with various local communities to understand their needs and priorities, to collaborate with community members and organizations, to help align our contributions with the communities’ specific needs, and to foster meaningful partnerships that drive positive change.


Polyplastics Group Policy on the Protection of Personal Information (Privacy Policy)

Polyplastics Group (hereinafter referred to as “the Group”) will properly process personal information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as “APPI”) and other laws and regulations relating to the protection of personal information as well as guidelines, generally accepted practices related to the processing of personal information, etc., when acquiring, using, and providing personal information. In addition, the Group will clarify its rules and regulations concerning the processing of personal information, and strive to ensure that all employees such as officers, full-time employees, contract employees, temporary employees, and part-time employees, etc (hereinafter referred to as the “Employees”) properly handle personal information.

This Privacy Policy applies to the personal information of global data subjects that we process. This Privacy Policy shall apply together with the relevant Group company’s Personal Information Protection Policy (if any), but the latter shall prevail over the former if there is any contradiction between these policies. Further, some categories of the processing of personal information may be subject to more specific policies. In such cases, such specific policies shall supersede this Privacy Policy if the provisions set forth in such specific policies contradict the provisions set forth in this Privacy Policy.

“Personal information” means information that can be used to identify a specific individual such as your address, name, telephone number, and other descriptions, including information that falls under “personal data” as defined in Article 4 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”). However, personal numbers and specific personal information shall be specified under separate regulations.

Chapter 1: Processing of Personal Information in the Group

1. Purpose of use and legal basis

The Group uses personal information on the following legal basis for the following purposes and legal basis.

<Personal Information of Employees of Existing or Prospective Business Partners>
(Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail Address, Company Name, Company Address, Department, Position, etc.)
Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party, or for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Group or by a third party
・Conducting business with suppliers and supplying goods or services
・Managing suppliers
・Business contact
・Confirming visitors and  health condition
・Soliciting services, advertising and other marketing
・Sending direct mail, e-mail newsletters, and other greetings
・Implementing questionnaires, surveys, etc.
・Event implementation
・Sending printed materials
・Planning and developing of products, and consideration of measures to improve customer satisfaction
・Patent management services
・Responding to inquiries, etc.

< Personal Information of Employees of Trustees, etc. >
(Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail Address, Company Name, Company Address, Department, Position, etc.)
Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by th Group or by a third party
・Administrating outsourced trustees
・Business conract
・Confirming visitors and health condition

< Personal Information of Applicants for Employment >
(Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail Address, Company Name, Company Address, Department, Position, etc.)
Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by th Group or by a third party
・Considering employment and sending recruitment-related documents
・Confirming visitors and health condition
・Responding to inquiries,etc.

< Personal Information of Residents Living Near Our Facilities, Visitors to Our Facilities or Officials >
・Making evacuation directive and other necessary contact at the time of any emergency situation, such as natural disaster and other similar situation
・Responding to inquiries and sending of responses
・Confirming visitors and their health condition
・Implementing questionnaires, surveys, etc.
・Soliciting services, advertising and other marketing

2. Provision to third parties

The Group shall not provide personal information to third parties, except in any of the following cases. Provided, however, that the provision of such information shall not constitute disclosure or provision to a third party if it is provided as a result of joint use or entrustment.

  1. Cases where the individual concerned has given consent
  2. Cases where personal information is provided based on the laws and regulations of each country
  3. Cases where the provision of personal information is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is also difficult to obtain the consent of the data subject.
  4. CCases where the provision of personal information is especially necessary for the propose of improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and it is also difficult to obtain the consent of the data subject.
  5. Cases where the provision of personal information is necessary to cooperate with the national or local government in the execution of public affairs, and obtaining the consent may interfere with the execution of such affairs.
  6. Cases where personal information is provided in connection with the succession of business due to reasons such as a merger, company split, transfer of business.

3. Handling of entrustment

The Group may entrust part of its business operations and provide personal information to outsourcees to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of its use. In such cases, it shall manage and supervise these outsourcees in an appropriate manner, including executing agreements with them regarding the processing of personal information.
The types of acquirers of personal data, which are outsourcees, are, for example, consultants, recruitment agents, cloud service providers, and IT vendors.

4. Provisions regarding the sharing of personal information

The Group shall share personal information as follows:

  1. Items of personal data to be shared
    Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail Address, Company Name, Company Address, Department and Position
  2. Scope of parties among whom personal information is shared
    ・Companies in which we have invested
    ・Daicel Corporation and companies in which it has invested
  3. Purpose of use
    ・Purposes of use as set forth in Article 1 above of this policy
  4. Company or person responsible for the management of personal data to be shared
    ・Executive officer responsible for risk management and corporate compliance, Polyplastics Co., Ltd.

5. Transfer outside of Japan

The Group may provide personal information to group companies located outside of Japan. In such cases, the Group shall take necessary measures for the transfer of personal information to countries outside Japan in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Some of our group companies outside of Japan which receive personal information are located in third countries which are not recognized as providing adequate level of protection by the Japanese Personal Information Protection Commission or the European Commission; however, the Group has executed the data transfer agreements with the Group companies with which it shares personal information in order to maintain sufficient level of data protection.

6. Matters concerning safety management measures

The Group takes measures to prevent leakage, loss, or destruction of personal information and to otherwise manage it appropriately as follows.

  1. Development of the basic policy for security control of personal information
    ・This basic policy has been developed to ensure the proper handling of personal information and to inform you of a contact point for questions and complaints.
  2. Development of rules for handling of personal information
    ・Development of personal information protection rules for each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc.
  3. Institutional security control measures
    ・Appointment of person responsible for the handling of personal information (Personal Information Protection Manager)
    ・Development of security control actions in rules of employment, etc.
    ・Development and implementation of a system for periodic inspections and audits of the status of handling personal data
    ・Development of a system for responding to information leakage or other incidents
  4. Human security control measures
    ・Thorough dissemination of security control actions to employees and their education and training ・Provisions regarding confidentiality obligations set forth in our rules of employment
  5. Physical security control measures
    ・Management of areas where personal information is handled
    ・Prevention of theft, loss, etc. of a device, electronic medium and the like used to handle personal information
    ・Prevention of situations such as leakage of personal information occurring when carrying electronic medium and the like; and
    ・Deletion of personal data and disposal of a device, electronic medium, and the like
  6. Technological security control measures
    ・Setting of management categories of personal data and access control ・Development of measures to prevent the leakage, unauthorized access, and other incidents
  7. Understanding external environment
    ・Implementation of safety control measures after understanding the systems related to the protection of personal information at the recipient of personal information.

7. Customer requests

You may have the following rights under applicable laws and regulations with respect to your personal information held by the Group.

  1. Withdrawal of consent
  2. Request for disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of personal information
  3. Request for suspension of use or deletion of personal information or suspension of its provision to third parties
  4. Request for data portability

If you wish to make any of the above-mentioned requests regarding your personal data held by the Group, please contact us using the contact information listed in Article 8 below. We shall respond to the request to a reasonable extent and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, after confirming that the person making the request is the person to whom the personal information pertains.

8. Request for inquiry and complaint

For inquiries or complaints regarding the Group’s handling of personal information, please contact us using the following contact information.

Contact to
General Administration Department, Polyplastics Co., Ltd.
JR Shinagawa East Bldg., 18-1, Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8280, Japan

9. Appeals to the data protection authority

You have the right to object to the data protection authority having jurisdiction over your residence in processing personal information relating to you. Data protection authorities in the EU countries can be found through following URL.

10. Contact information for data administrators and data protection officers

Polyplastics Co., Ltd.
JR Shinagawa East Bldg., 18-1, Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8280, Japan
Representative: Executive officer responsible for risk management and corporate compliance

Chapter 2: Processing of personal information of individuals residing in the State of California, U.S.A

In addition to the provisions set forth in Chapter 1, the provisions set forth in Chapter 2 shall apply to the processing of personal information of customers residing in the State of California, U.S.A., in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. If there is any conflict between the provisions set forth in Chapter 1 and those set forth in Chapter 2, the provisions set forth in Chapter 2 shall prevail.

1. Acquired personal information in the past 12 months

The categories of personal information acquired by the Group in the past 12 months are as follows. All of this personal information is acquired from the data subject.
・Personal information on our business partners
 ・Personal information acquired
  Personally identifiable information, which is information that identifies you personally, such as your first and last name, e-mail address, phone number, address and full payment account number and demographic information, such as your gender, age, zip code, interests, and recent and upcoming purchases
・Personal information to be acquired through applications for employment
 ・Personal information acquired
  Personally identifiable information, which is information that identifies you personally, such as your first and last name, e-mail address, phone number, address and full payment account number and demographic information, such as your gender, age, zip code, interests, and recent and upcoming purchases

2. Disclosure to third parties

In addition to the cases set forth in Article 4, Chapter 1 (Provisions regarding the sharing of personal information), the categories of third parties to which the Group disclosed personal information in the past 12 months, and the personal information disclosed are as follows.
・Category of third parties: Group companies
 ・Personal information disclosed
  Personally identifiable information, which is information that identifies you personally, such as your first and last name, e-mail address, phone number, address and full payment account number and demographic information, such as your gender, age, zip code, interests, and recent and upcoming purchases
・Category of third partis: Polyplastics’ agents, vendors, consultants and other service providers
 ・Personal information disclosed
  Personally identifiable information, which is information that identifies you personally, such as your first and last name, e-mail address, phone number, address and full payment account number and demographic information, such as your gender, age, zip code, interests, and recent and upcoming purchases

3. Sales to third parties

The Group does not sell any personal information to third parties.

4. Requests for the processing of personal information

The Group shall respond to requests (the right for requesting disclosure and the right for deletion of personal information) regarding personal information of individuals residing in California, U.S.A., held by the Group within a reasonable period and extent, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, as follows. Upon receiving such a request, we will confirm the identity of the customer in advance when responding to a request.

In principle, the contents of the service shall not be changed for the person who made the inquiry. You have the right not to be discriminated against by the Group for exercising your rights. In addition, you may also designate an agent to exercise your rights. If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us using the following contact information.

Contact information
General Administration Department, Polyplastics Co., Ltd.
JR Shinagawa East Bldg., 18-1, Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8280, Japan

Please note that the disclosure or deletion (of your personal information) may make it impossible for us to provide you with services that were previously available to you or that meet your requests.

Last updated: Jun 1, 2023

Chapter 3: Processing of personal information of individuals residing in China

The Group shall comply with the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China and related laws and regulations, handle the personal information of customers residing in China in an appropriate manner, and strive to protect their privacy.

In addition to the provisions set forth in Chapter 1, the provisions set forth in Chapter 3 shall apply to the processing of personal information of individuals residing in China, in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China. If there is any conflict between the provisions set forth in Chapter 1 and those set forth in Chapter 3, the provisions set forth in Chapter 3 shall prevail.

1. How we protect your personal information

  1. The Group has employed security protection measures according to industry standards, in order to protect your personal information and to prevent unauthorized access to, disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of data.
  2. The Group shall take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that unnecessary personal information is not acquired. The Group shall retain your personal information only for the period that is necessary to fulfill the purposes set forth in this policy; however, this shall not apply to cases where an extension of the retention period is required or permitted by law.
  3. Our network environment is not 100% secure. The Group shall make its upmost efforts to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send to us. If your legal rights and benefits are adversely affected due to unauthorized access to, disclosure or tampering or damage of your personal information resulting from the damage of our physical, technical or management protection facilities, the Group shall assume legal liabilities accordingly.
  4. In the event of a personal information security incident, the Group shall, in accordance with laws and regulations and without delay, notify the customer of the basic situation and possible impact of the personal information security incident, the response measures that the Group has already implemented or plans to implement, proposals to the customer regarding self-prevention and risk mitigation, and the Group’s improvement measures for the customer. This information hall be notified by means such as e-mail, fax, telephone, push notification. If it is difficult to notify the subject of personal information individually, the information shall be announced in an appropriate and effective manner.

At the same time, we shall also take the initiative in reporting our handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with regulatory requirements.

2. Your rights

You shall have the following rights with respect to your personal information held by the Group.
・Right to access, rectify, and delete your personal information
・Right to inspect and acquire a copy of your personal information
・Right to limit or refuse the handling of your personal information by those other than the Company

3. How your Personal information is transmitted worldwide

In principle, personal information acquired in China shall be stored in China.
We may share your personal information among Polyplastics Co., Ltd. in Japan, with your consent. In addition to that, your personal information may be transmitted to or accessed from a jurisdiction outside of the country/region after we take other necessary measures for the information security.

4. How this Policy will be updated

This policy is subject to change.
We shall not reduce any of your rights under this policy without your explicit consent. We will release any change to the policy on this page.
For major changes, we will provide a more conspicuous notice (including, for certain services, notices via e-mail that explains the details of the changes to the policy).
We will also archive the old versions of this policy for your reference.

5. Contact

If you have any questions or comments regarding this policy, please contact us using the following contact information.

Contact information
General Administration Department, Polyplastics Co., Ltd.
JR Shinagawa East Bldg., 18-1, Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8280, Japan


Last updated: Jun 1, 2023

Privacy Policy for General Data Protection Regulation

Released at May 28th, 2018

POLYPLASTICS CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) is committed to process the personal data of the Customer (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”), in accordance with the following policies.

“Personal Data” means any data which are able to identify natural person living in the European Economic Area (hereinafter referred to as “EEA”) (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”), including but not limited to his or her names, addresses, birth dates, gender, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, company name, IP addresses and other online identifiers.

“Processing” means any operation which is performed on the Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

1. The purpose of the Processing of the Personal Data in the Company

The Personal Data possessed by the Company is processed for the sales, marketing survey, product management, and other customer management activities of the Company.

2. Additional Processing

In the case of the Processing of the Personal Data for purposes other than the above, the Company shall notify the Customer in advance of such new purposes of the Processing and other matters as required by applicable law.

3. Consent to the Processing of the Personal Data

By manifesting their intentions to consent to the Privacy Policy, the Customer shall be deemed as having consented to the Processing of the Personal Data by the Company, and the Company shall process the Personal Data based on such consent; provided, however, that Customer may withdraw such consent at any time. The withdrawal of such consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the Processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

The Company may require the Customer to provide their personal data in connection with the provision of the Company’s services and information. In such case, if a certain Customer does not provide their personal data, the Company may be unable to provide the services and information.

4. Transfers

By manifesting their intentions to consent to the Privacy Policy, the Customer shall be deemed as consented to the Processing of the Personal Data in Japan, where the European Commission has not decided on adequacy of the level of protection, without protection measures such as standard contract provisions.

With respect to the Processing of the Personal Data, the Company shall properly take organizational safety management measures, and technical safety management measures as mentioned in “9. Safety management measures”.

The Company may provide the Personal Data to third parties such as the subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company, cloud vendors and outside contractors of the Company etc., to implement the purposes of the Processing specified above. Since some companies located in countries outside of the EEA (including, without limitation, Japan, the U.S., the same shall apply hereafter) are included in the third parties to whom the Company will disclose the Personal Data of the Customer, the Customer shall be deemed as having consented to the following matters by consenting to the Privacy Policy:

  1. In the case that the country in which the third parties are located is outside the EEA and does not have the same data protection laws as the EEA, i.e., many of the rights provided in the EEA to the Customers are not given.
  2. The Personal Data will be provided to the third parties located outside the EEA.
  3. The Personal Data will be provided and processed for the purposes specified above by the third parties outside the EEA to whom the Company will disclose the Personal Data of the Customer.

In the case that the Company provides the Personal Data to a third party located in a country outside the EEA, the Company shall ensure that adequate measures are taken concerning the protection of the Personal Data by executing standard contract provisions based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation, etc.

5. Rights of the Customer

The Customer is entitled to access, request for rectification, request for erasure, request to restrict the processing, object to the processing, and request for data portability, with regards to the Personal Data retained by the Company pursuant to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations.

The Customer may object to the data protection authorities with jurisdiction over the Company or the location of the Customer’s domicile with regard to the Processing of the Personal Data of the Customer.

6. Contacts

In the event of any questions or concerns regarding the Privacy Policy or the Processing of the Personal Data by the Company, or any requests, etc., concerning the access to, rectification or erasure of, restriction of the Processing of the Personal Data, objecting to the Processing of the Personal Data, or requesting for data portability, please contact the Company. The Company determines the purpose and means of the Processing of the Personal Data.

The contact information for the Company is as follows:

7. Compliance with applicable laws

With respect to the Processing of the Personal Data, the Company shall comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and related laws and regulations, and shall observe the guidelines of competent government agencies and industry guidelines.

8. Retention Period

The Company shall retain the Personal Data as long as we require such data to provide the services to the Customer.

9. Safety management measures

With respect to the Processing of the Personal Data, the Company shall properly take organizational safety management measures, and technical safety management measures.

10. Amendment to the “Privacy Policy”

The Company may amend the Privacy Policy by publishing the amended Privacy Policy on the Company’s website without any individual notice to the Customer.